Can I create my own bespoke MonkeyZoo images?

Step 1: Designing

Design a new MonkeyZoo attribute. (We call them Oddments.)

Step 2: Presenting your design

Present your designs to MonkeyZoo via Discord or our contacts page.

MonkeyZoo will then decide if your work is up to the standard to become part of the official MonkeyZoo brand.

Step 3: Work out the details

If MonkeyZoo agrees your new design, decisions about the quantity to be minted, the sale price and rarity scores can be made collaboratively.

Step 4: Mint the NFTs

Next, your new MonkeyZoo Oddment will be minted by MonkeyZoo using the MonkeyZoo DID (Decentralised identification).

Step 5: Sales earning

MonkeyZoo will advertise your design and you get to take home 50% of all initial sales.

Win Win!

Download a plain base layer monkey to start designing today.

Infinite creation

Oddments give our community the flexibility to be creative and design MonkeyZoo attributes while earning 50% of the initial sales volume of your designs. Remember we aim to use these characters and attributes in the metaverse so design with that in mind.

It gives opportunities for others to use your new designs while you as the designer earn $XCH. We call these additional attributes Oddments, you can find out more about Oddments here. We will begin by offering some of the Chia community a chance to design a new object or attribute that be used in the FusionZoo

Important information

Only MonkeyZoo can add MonkeyZoo artwork to the blockchain that complies with our DID.

Final decisions on which designs make the minting process are made by MonkeyZoo.